A Acadia Kocher Postdoctoral fellow Stefanos Stamatis Achlatis PhD student Reuven Agami Group leader Laura Aguilera Saiz PhD student Osman Akdag Clinical scientist Emine Akdemir PhD student Leila Akkari Group leader Elaine Albers PhD student Hamza Ali PhD student Ferhat Alkan Postdoctoral fellow Maartje Alkemade Technician Zainab Al-Khayat PhD student Ameer Alkhier Bioinformatician Vincenzo Davide Aloi Technician Noemí Alonso Saiz PhD Student Maarten Altelaar Head proteomics facility Rafaela Alves de Oliveira PhD student Daniil Anastasopoulos PhD student Agnes Andres (Swiatkowska) Technician Christina Andronikou PhD student Mary Ann Binuya PhD student Lisa Anna Min PhD student Simona Antonova Postdoctoral fellow Coralie Arends PhD student Hedwig Arnamo PhD student Tim Arnoldus PhD student Aster Witvliet PhD student Paul Atherton Postdoctoral fellow Leyla Azarang Biostatistician Maria Azkanaz PhD student
B Shan Baban Analist B DOD/MOD/RES Jitendra Badhai Postdoctoral fellow Jitske Bak PhD student Marianne Bakker PhD student Noor Bakker PhD student Luuk Balkenende PhD student Chrysiida Baltira PhD student Annemarieke Bartels-Rutten Radiologist Carolien Bastiaanssen Postdoc Nuno Bastos Postdoctoral fellow Mayukha Bathini PhD student Pedro Batista Tan PhD student Thomas Battaglia PhD student Maarten Beekman PhD student Regina Beets-Tan Group leader Roderick Beijersbergen Group leader Jos Beijnen Group leader Guillaume Belthier Postdoctoral fellow Ben Morris Technician Robotics Facility Sean Benson Postdoctoral fellow Nina Berentzen Postdoctoral fellow Andre Bergman Group leader Rene Bernards Group leader Katrien Berns Associate staff scientist Joke Beukers Technician Miriam Beusink PhD student Elham Beyranvand Nejad Postdoctoral fellow Proteeti Bhattacharjee Scientific project manager Danielle Bianchi PhD student Mariska Bierkens Associate staff scientist Christian Blank Group leader Onno Bleijerveld Head proteomics facility Eveline Bleiker Group leader Anna Blokland Projectmanager Zuhir Bodalal (Elkarghali) PhD student Manon Boeije Project coordinator Imaging Unit Annelies Boekhout Senior scientist Thierry Boellaard Postdoctoral fellow Anne Bolijn Technician Eva Boomstra PhD student Nicolaas Boon PhD student Menno Boon PhD student Judith Boot PhD student Tom Bootsma Postdoctoral Fellow Laura Bornes PhD student Razvan Borza PhD student Paula Bos PhD student Romy Bos Researcher Astrid Bosma Technician Ruben Bosschaert Clinical Research Associate Vanessa Botha PhD student Anke Boumans PhD-student Annemieke Bouwman PhD student Linde Braaf Technician/ Lab manager Luca Braccioli Postdoctoral fellow Nicole Brandhorst Technician Sabine Breukers PhD student Annegien Broeks Head core facility molecular pathology & biobanking Susan Brouwer de Koning PhD student Wim Brugman Analist C research Maaike Brugmans physiotherapist/research assistant Maaike Bruin PhD student Thijn Brummelkamp Group leader Joren Brunekreef Postdoctoral fellow Teresa Bucho PhD student Pauline Buitelaar PhD student Vivian Burgers PhD student Femke Burgers PhD student Claudia Burrello Postdoctoral fellow
C Nicolas Camviel Postdoctoral fellow Sander Canisius Associate staff scientist Beatriz Carvalho PhD associate staff scientist / principal investigator Gabriele Casagrande Raffi PhD student Noriko Cassman Bioinformatician Johannes Castelijns Professor in radiology, subspecialized in head and neck radiology Annemieke Cats Researcher Joyce Catsman Technician Patrick Celie Head of protein facility Michele Cervellera PhD student Julien Champagne Postdoctoral fellow Terry Chan Postdoctoral fellow Xue Chao Postdoctoral fellow Maksim Chelushkin PhD student Mengnuo Chen Postdoctoral Fellow Chiara Zambianchi Master's student Sasha Chikunova Scientist Wan-Yu Chu PhD student Adria Closa Mosquera Bio-informatician Merve Colak QA Officer Saskia Cooke PhD student Sten Cornelissen Technician Lesley Cornet Technician Nerma Crnovrsanin Postdoctoral fellow Marco Cruz Postdoctoral fellow
D Daniel Goodall Postdoctoral fellow Danique van Gulick PhD student Julia-Star Darnold PhD student Behdad Dasht Bozorg Senior Scientist Thijs Dassen PhD student Zhanna Dauyey PhD student Evan Daynard Master student Lisanne de Boer Postdoctoral fellow Leonora de Boo PhD student Roebi de Bruijn Bio-informatician Linske de Bruijn PhD student Marjolein de Bruijn Technician Giulia de Conti Postdoctoral fellow Mark de Gooijer Postdoctoral fellow Manon de Graaf PhD student Adriaan de Groot PhD student Marnix de Groot PhD student Rosa de Groot Projectmanager Daniel de Groot PhD student Marcel de Haas Technician Vincent de Jong PhD student Danielle de Jong Technician Puck de Jong Technician Wim de Jonge Postdoctoral fellow Esther de Jongh PhD student Bim de Klein Technician Willem-Jan de Leeuw PhD Student Anneliz de Leeuw PhD student Kelly de Ligt Postdoctoral fellow Michiel de Maaker Technician Claudia de Paulis PhD student Iris de Rink Bio-informaticus Guido de Roo Flow cytometry operator Lotte De Roode PhD Student Bart de Rooij Bio-informatician Karin de Visser Group leader Ida de Vries PhD student Niels de Vries Technician Meike de Wit Postdoctoral fellow Gijs de Wit PhD student Renske de Wit PhD student Elzo de Wit Group leader Bas de Wolf Postdoctoral fellow Xander Deen Master student Marleen Dekker-Vlaar Technician Pien Delis-van Diemen Technician Dide den Hollander PhD student Esther Derksen - Peters Research assistant Diana Bocaniciu Master student Amalie Dick Imaging scientist Krijn Dijkstra Postdoctoral fellow Jelmer Dijkstra Postdoctoral fellow Petros Dimitriadis Bioinformatician Samuel Ding Data Engineer Anna Dopler PhD student Matheus dos Santos Dias Senior Scientist Shannon Doyle PhD student Cas Drabbe PhD student Carine Dufau Postdoctoral fellow
E Mathias Eder PhD student Inge Eekhout Research assistant Mees Egeler PhD student Nils Eickhoff PhD student Eike Mahlandt PhD student Sarah Einerhand PhD student Afke Ekels PhD student Najim el Khababi PhD student Farid El Oualid Senior postdoctoral fellow Malika El Yatouti Technician Robert Elens Technician Maurits Egbersen PhD student Ellen Engelhardt Postdoctoral fellow Roeland Eppenga PhD student Johanna Erbani Research Associate BoÄŸaç Erçığ Postdoctoral fellow Melis Erdal Cesur PhD student Ewald van Dyk Postdoctoral Fellow
F William Faller Group leader Martina Färber PhD student Fawad Omar PhD student Dasha Fedorushkova PhD student Xiaodong Feng Postdoctoral fellow Jonatan Ferm PhD student Mar Fernandez Salamanca PhD student Remond Fijneman Associate group leader Alex Fish Application scientist Renske Fles Project manager Theodoros Foskolos Bioinformatician Charis Fountas PhD student Vinícius Franceschini dos Santos Bioinformatician Nora Franzen Postdoctoral Fellow Fraser Johnson Postdoctoral Fellow Itske Fraterman PhD student Anoek Friskes PhD student Amos Fumagalli Postdoctoral fellow Matteo Fusaglia Postdoctoral fellow
G Duco Gaillard PhD student Alberto García Nieto PhD student Abadi Gebretensae Technician Freija Geldof PhD student Austin George Bioinformatician Miranda Gerritsma Research Assistant Veerle Geurts PhD student Yvonne Geurts PhD student Birgit Geurts PhD student Daniele Giardiello PhD student Lisanne Giebel PhD student Alberto Gil Jimenez PhD student Iris Glykofridis Postdoctoral fellow Camiel Göbel PhD student Leticia Gonzalez Leon Bio informaticus Joanna Grabowska Postdoctoral fellow Sebastian Gregoricchio Postdoctoral fellow Harald Groen Clinical Support Xiaohu Guo EM facility coordinator Karolina Guricova PhD student
H Hester Haak PhD student John Haanen Group leader Judith Haarhuis Associate staff scientist Siamak Haijzadeh Researcher Soemeya Haj Mohammad PhD student Matt Hancock Postdoctoral fellow Shanna Handgraaf PhD student Rolf Harkes Imaging Scientist & BioImage Analyst Will Harley PhD student Beccy Harris Postdoctoral fellow Hatice Yücel Technical staff Tisee Hau Technician & Lab manager Arnaud Heemskerk Medewerker gebruikers ondersteuning Wout Heerink Clinical Support Joris Hepkema PhD Student Miguel Hernández-Quiles Postdoctoral fellow Josje Heuvelmans Technician Marijn Hiep PhD Student Brenda Hijmans Bioinformatician Marielle Hijmans Technician Florentine Hilbers Postdoctoral fellow Michel Hillebrand Sr. technician Dorine Hintzen PhD student Jessica Ho PhD student Kelly Hoefakker Technician Liesbeth Hoekman Technician Caroline Hoeks Radiologist Claire Hoencamp PhD student Ingrid Hofland Technician Emily Holthuis PhD Student Rein Hoogstraaten Technician Hugo Horlings Group leader Julia Houthuijzen Postdoctoral fellow Hristina Hristova PhD student Jan Hudecek Senior Bio-informatician Guizela Huelsz Prince Postdoctoral Fellow Zowi Huinen PhD student Alwin Huitema Head of Bioanalytical Lab of the Pharmacy Iris Huitink Bio-informatician Danielle Hulsman Technician Olga Husson Associate group leader Stefan Hutten PhD student Jani Huuhtanen Postdoctoral fellow
I Sofía Ibáñez Molero PhD student Nikki IJzerman PhD student Mila Ilic PhD student Chiara Iozzi PhD student Lars Johannes Isaksson Postdoctoral fellow Oleksandra Ivashchenko Postdoctoral fellow
J Heinz Jacobs Group leader Jacqueline Jacobs Group leader Jaël Vos PhD student Kees Jalink Group leader Thijs Jalving PhD student Jana Vidal Teuton Technician Janne Brouwer Master’s student Robin Jansen Postdoctoral Fellow Silvie Janssen PhD student Kathy Jastrzebski Associate staff scientist Inge Jedema Head translational cellular therapy Jelmer Weda Clinical Support Denise Jenner Data manager Elisabeth Jin Technician Haojie Jin Postdoctoral fellow João Neto Postdoctoral Fellow Fleur Jochems Postdoctoral Fellow Lynn-Jade Jong PhD student Jos Jonkers Group leader Myrthe Joosten PhD student Krista Joosten Postdoctoral fellow Amal Joseph Varghese PhD student
K Raween Kalicharan Pharmacist Lisa Kamphuis Technician Robbert Kapoen Pharmacist Paulien Kaptein PhD student Anita Karomi Technician Kaylee Keller Postdoctoral fellow Justina Kazokaite Scientist Renske Keeman Data manager Niels Keijzer PhD student Chavelli Kensen PhD student Enzo Kerkhof Technical Physician Ron Kerkhoven Head genomics core facility Steven Ketelaars Bio-informatician Anna Khalizieva PhD student Wouter Kievit Program specialist Noud Klaassen PhD student Jeffrey Klarenbeek Technician Kete Klaver PhD student Maud van der Kleij PhD student Pascal Klöckner Bio-informatician Rob Klompmaker Lab manager Roel Kluin Bio-informaticus Naz Kocabay Technician Adva Kochavi PhD student Marleen Kok Group leader Lila (Spyridoula) Kondyli Technician Maria Konijnenberg PhD student Lisa Koob PhD student Ciska Koopman Technician Milo Kooter Master student Jawahar Kopparam Postdoctoral fellow Pierre-René Körner PhD student Nikolaos Kourkoutas PhD student Iris Kramer PhD student Maaike Kreft Technician Paul Krimpenfort Head of the Animal Modeling Facility Petra Kristel Technician Gert-Jan Kuijntjes PhD student Johan Kuiken Postdoctoral fellow Marije Kuiken PhD student Laura Kuil Postdoctoral fellow Rahul Kumar PhD student Ieva Kurilova Postdoctoral fellow Bjørn Kwee PhD student Edwin Sakyi Kyei-Baffour PhD student Eun Kyoung (Amy) Hong Radiologist
L Maarten L. Hekkelman Senior postdoctoral fellow Audrey Lacoste PhD student Max Lahaye Postdoctoral fellow Soufyan Lakbir PhD student Lali Noguera Delgado PhD student Doenja Lambregts Postdoctoral fellow Theo Lamers Assistant supervisor carcinogen laboratory Eline Lammers PhD student Nick Landman PhD student Tom Langelaar PhD student Lina Lankhorst Junior Researcher Dimitrios Laskaris PhD student Cristina Lebre Research associate Shun-Hsiao Lee Postdoctoral fellow Lindsay Leek PhD student Anke Leeuwerik PhD student Margriet Lemmens Technician Tineke Lenstra Group leader Aristeidis Lentzas PhD student Marte Liefaard PhD student Cor Lieftink Bioinformatician Justin Lievense PhD student Lishi Lin PhD student Aaron Lin PhD student Wei-Kai Lin PhD student Chun-Pu Lin PhD student Rik Lindeboom Group leader Sabine Linn Group Leader Esther Lips Associate staff scientist Lisanne Venix PhD Student Yat-Hee Liu Data manager Liz Loehrer Postdoctoral fellow Cristianne Lok gynecologist Claudette Loo Radiologist Nancy Loos PhD student Josephine Lopes Cardozo PhD student Christy Los PhD student Lotte de van der Schueren PhD student Domenica Lovecchio PhD student Luc Lucas Study director Lucas van Schaik PhD Student Maryse Luijendijk PhD student Serena Luijendijk Master student Minh Chau Luong Boi Technician Catrin Lutz PhD student
M Xuhui Ma Postdoctoral fellow Monique Maas Radiologist Pia Mach Postdoc Mercedes Machuca Ostos PhD student Mikhail Magnitov PhD Student Sara Mainardi Postdoctoral fellow Donne Majoor Technician Klaudia Majszczyk PhD student Kaustav Majumder PhD student Pratiksha Mall PhD student Elke Malzer Technician Annemijn Manger Technician Ritse Mann Postdoctoral fellow Eric Marcus Postdoctoral Fellow Mark Wijkhuizen Software Developer Gabriel Marseres Postdoctoral fellow Eduardo Martin Quintana Research assistant Moreno Martinovic PhD student Anastasiia Martyniak PhD student Masami Ando Kuri Postdoctoral fellow Maxime Kempers PhD student Abdelghani Mazouzi Postdoctoral fellow Gian-Luca McLelland Postdoctoral fellow Marinda Meertens PhD student Jos Meeussen Postdoc Dieuwke Meijer Technician Gerrit Meijer Group leader Lana Meiqari Research data coordinator Melanie Opperman PhD student Jan-Jaap Mellema PhD student Apostolos Menegakis Postdoctoral fellow Renée X. de Menezes Junior group leader and head of biostatistics facility Marjolijn Mertz Head of the BioImaging facility Hendrik Messal Postdoctoral fellow Marius Messemaker PhD student Christina Metoikidou Postdoctoral Researcher Daniël Miedema Senior Bio-informatician Adinda Mieras Postdoctoral fellow Iris Mimpen PhD student Emma Minnee PhD student Mirjam Hoekstra Postdoctoral fellow Christine Moene PhD Student Ana Moisés PhD student Mathijs Mol PhD student Jasmine Montenegro Navarro Technician Cyrille Mooij PhD student Thea Mooij Statistical associate Kat Moore Bioinformatician Ziva Moravec PhD student Nikita Moriakov postdoctoral fellow Ruben Moritz Bioinformatician Anna Morra PhD student Janniek Mors PhD student Sarah Moser PhD student Angeliki Moutsiopoulou Scientist Mrittika Adhikary PhD student Sravasti Mukherjee PhD student Lennart Mulder Technician Lot Mulder PhD student Andrea Murachelli Postdoctoral fellow Ljiljana Music Research Assistant
N Willeke Naaktgeboren PhD student Remco Nagel Postdoctoral fellow/lab manager Lianda Nan Technician Tiziano Natali PhD Student Iris Nederlof PhD student Ben Neijndorff PhD student Suzanne Neppelenbroek PhD student Thi Dan Linh Nguyen-Kim Research fellow Rachele Niccolai PhD student Benoit Nicolet Postdoc Margot Nieberg PhD student Niek Brouwer PhD student Lorenzo Niemitz Postdoc Marja Nieuwland Analist D Nigel Ultee PhD student Annelies Nijdam Postdoctoral fellow Cynthia Nijenhuis Head Biotherapeutics facility Bastiaan Nuijen Founder BTU and head of production
O Liliana Oancea-Castillo Technician Paolo Odello PhD Student Marek Oerlemans PhD student Igor Olaciregui-Ruiz Clinical system developer & Valorisator Roel Oldenkamp PhD student Sara Oliveira Postdoctoral fellow Karin Olthof PhD Student Mark Opdam Technician Marieke Otten Technician
P Robbie P. Joosten Research associate Su Min Pack PhD student Nuno Padrao PhD student Mariana Paes Dias PhD student Ajey Pai Karkala PhD student Inés Paniagua Cabana Postdoc Andreas Panteli PhD student Samuele Papa PhD student Chrysa Papagianni PhD student Vincent Pappalardo PhD student Miguel Parra Martinez Bioinformatician Ellen Passchier PhD student Sanne Patiwael Technician Anne Paulien Drenth Technician Daniel Peeper Group leader Chai Peng PhD student Anastassis Perrakis Group leader