Benjamin Rowland
Group leader
020 5122095 b.rowland@nki.nlBenjamin's research group investigates the mechanisms that shape our genome. The main focus of his group is genome control by the SMC protein complexes cohesin and condensin.
During his PhD at the NKI, Benjamin studied cell cycle regulation by E2F transcription factors and the p53 pathway in the labs of René Bernards and Daniel Peeper. He has investigated genome control by cohesin since he joined the laboratory of Kim Nasmyth as a postdoc at the University of Oxford, where he studied the mechanism by which sister chromatid cohesion is established during DNA replication.
Benjamin returned to the NKI in 2012 to start his own line of research. His lab uses a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate chromosome organization by cohesin and condensin. He focuses on how these complexes structure the genome in interphase, and on how they shape chromosomes in mitosis to enable accurate cell division. His lab's methodologies range from genetics, to genomics, biochemistry and imaging.
Benjamin heads the NKI division of Cell Biology, he is Professor of Genome Biology at Delft University of Technology, and he is a recipient of ERC and NWO Vici grants.
Read more about the ROWLAND LAB.