Alex Fish

Alex Fish

Application scientist

+31 20 512 6067 Titia Sixma Protein facility

During his PhD in the department of Plant Sc. at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Alexander used different biophysical and biochemical methods in combination with X-ray crystallography to study thermostability of proteins involved in the photosynthetic pathway of thermostable cyanobacteria. M. laminosus. After receiving his PhD degree, he moved to the NKI to work as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Titia Sixma, where he developed a number of biophysical applications, including ITC, MALLS, SPR and other spectroscopic methods to study molecular interactions for a variety of projects.

In 2008, he joined the newly established NKI protein facility at the Division of Biochemistry as a biophysical expert. Since then he has supported many internal and external projects and has been/is part of a number of (non-) funded EU programs and consortia, including, ARBRE-MOBIEU, Instruct-ERIC, iNEXT and iNEXT-Discovery. Also, together with Anastassis Perrakis and Patrick Celie, Alexander do-organized two practical biophysical curses at NKI. He also participated in external biophysical courses as a tutor/lecturer.    

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