Marnix de Groot
PhD student
Phone number Email Heinz Jacobs Fred van LeeuwenDuring my master Biomedical Sciences I followed an internship at the Georg-Speyer Haus, Institute for tumor biology and experimental therapy. There I established a pre-clinical in vitro assay for testing cytotoxic immune cell interactions in 3D models of colorectal cancer. After graduating I worked in industry where I contributed to a large human siRNA genomic screen and assisted in multiple assay development projects. After that, being more fascinated by the dynamic interplay between immune cells and the tumor micro-environment, I joined the Akkari group to help understand the role of various subsets of macrophages in the liver and brain tumor microenvironment.
As of march 2023, I started my PhD in the group of Heinz Jacobs and Fred van Leeuwen. My project focuses on studying the role of epigenetic regulator DOT1L in relation to the function and biology of CAR modified T-cells