Shannon Doyle
PhD student
Phone number Email Jonas TeuwenMy background is spread over biomedicine, bioinformatics, entrepreneurship, and AI. As such, I aim to make a positive impact for human health by combining these skills. For this I am well situated in the group ‘AI for oncology’ lead by Jonas Teuwen, where I started my PhD in March 2021. I am also supervised by Hugo Horlings from the Computational Pathology group and Clarisa Sanchez who is a Full Professor for AI in Health at the UvA.
My PhD focuses on the risk and outcome prediction of breast cancer featuring DCIS. Specifically, I am interested to develop deep learning methods to identify calcified lesions with a low harm risk during screening. I will also work on determining which higher-risk (DCIS) lesions are at low risk of progressing into ipsilateral invasive breast cancer based on histopathology data.