Whole genome sequencing is reliable, has added value, and can be embedded perfectly into everyday pathology diagnostics


With the rapidly expanding tableau of (increasingly tumor-agnostic) targeted therapies, genome-driven cancer care has become the cornerstone of modern precision oncology. This means that the laboratory tests used to detect these errors in patients will also need to be updated constantly, making it a challenge for pathology departments to stay up to date. A new test, based on whole genome sequencing (WGS), can measure all DNA errors in a tumor, all in one go. This technique appears to be perfectly embeddable in the clinic’s everyday pathological diagnostics, as the WIDE study showed, conducted among 1200 patients at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. The test also proved to be reliable, and offers added value in diagnostics and treatment of patients with metastatic cancers. This makes whole genome sequencing attainable to physicians and patients in regular oncological care.

The following article on the topic has been published in the renowned scientific journal The Journal of Pathology. Feasibility of whole genome sequencing based tumor diagnostics in routine pathology practice - Samsom - The Journal of Pathology - Wiley Online Library

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