Palliative effect of metaiodobenzylguanidine in metastatic carcinoid tumors.



Following 131I-MIBG treatment, symptomatic responses were observed in 60% of patients (median duration, 8 months; maximum, 2 years). Side effects were mild and rapidly reversible in 16 patients, and were related to the isolation procedure in seven of these patients. Unlabeled MIBG resulted in symptomatic improvement in 60% of patients (median duration, 4.5 months). Side effects, which included changes in blood pressure, were mild and transient. Symptomatic responses were not accompanied by biochemical responses.


To evaluate the therapeutic effect of iodine-131-labeled metaiodobenzylguanidine (131I-MIBG) and unlabeled MIBG in patients with carcinoid tumor.


A therapeutic dose of 7.4 GBq (200 mCi) 131I-MIBG infused over 4 hours was administered to 30 patients with either carcinoid syndrome (n = 20) or tumor symptoms such as pain and fever due to carcinoid tumor (n = 10). In general, two courses were given, 6 weeks apart. Due to radioactivity, patients had to be isolated for 5 to 7 days. Subsequently, we studied the effect of unlabeled MIBG based on the possible pharmaceutic activity of MIBG and to avoid the isolation procedure. A doseescalation study of 8.5, 17, and 34 mg/m2 MIBG infused over 4 hours at 4-week intervals was performed in 20 patients with carcinoid syndrome who were not suitable for treatment with the radioactive compound.


Both MIBG treatment regimens were equally effective in the palliation of symptoms, but duration of response tended to be much longer with the radioactive compound. However, the unlabeled compound provided a simpler treatment, eg, in elderly patients and those in poor condition, without the need for isolation.

More about this publication

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Volume 14
  • Issue nr. 6
  • Pages 1829-38
  • Publication date 01-06-1996

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