Molecular mechanisms of bleeding disorderassociated GFI1B<sup>Q287*</sup> mutation and its affected pathways in megakaryocytes and platelets.


Dominant-negative mutations in the transcription factor Growth Factor Independence-1B (GFI1B), such as GFI1BQ287*, cause a bleeding disorder characterized by a plethora of megakaryocyte and platelet abnormalities. The deregulated molecular mechanisms and pathways are unknown. Here we show that both normal and Q287* mutant GFI1B interacted most strongly with the lysine specific demethylase-1 - REST corepressor - histone deacetylase (LSD1-RCOR-HDAC) complex in megakaryoblasts. Sequestration of this complex by GFI1BQ287* and chemical separation of GFI1B from LSD1 induced abnormalities in normal megakaryocytes comparable to those seen in patients. Megakaryocytes derived from GFI1BQ287*-induced pluripotent stem cells also phenocopied abnormalities seen in patients. Proteome studies on normal and mutant-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived megakaryocytes identified a multitude of deregulated pathways downstream of GFI1BQ287* including cell division and interferon signaling. Proteome studies on platelets from GFI1BQ287* patients showed reduced expression of proteins implicated in platelet function, and elevated expression of proteins normally downregulated during megakaryocyte differentiation. Thus, GFI1B and LSD1 regulate a broad developmental program during megakaryopoiesis, and GFI1BQ287* deregulates this program through LSD1-RCOR-HDAC sequestering.

More about this publication

  • Volume 104
  • Issue nr. 7
  • Pages 1460-1472
  • Publication date 01-07-2019

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