The choreography of chromatin in RNA polymerase III regulation.


Regulation of eukaryotic gene expression involves a dynamic interplay between the core transcriptional machinery, transcription factors, and chromatin organization and modification. While this applies to transcription by all RNA polymerase complexes, RNA polymerase III (RNAPIII) seems to be atypical with respect to its mechanisms of regulation. One distinctive feature of most RNAPIII transcribed genes is that they are devoid of nucleosomes, which relates to the high levels of transcription. Moreover, most of the regulatory sequences are not outside but within the transcribed open chromatin regions. Yet, several lines of evidence suggest that chromatin factors affect RNAPIII dynamics and activity and that gene sequence alone does not explain the observed regulation of RNAPIII. Here we discuss the role of chromatin modification and organization of RNAPIII transcribed genes and how they interact with the core transcriptional RNAPIII machinery and regulatory DNA elements in and around the transcribed genes.

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Biochemical Society transactions
  • Publication date 26-04-2024

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