Banner Publications MH200828 N141


Results found: 228

Showing results: 201 - 228

Scientific reports

Deep Learning for Fully-Automated Localization and Segmentation of Rectal Cancer on Multiparametric MR.

European journal of radiology

Whole liver CT texture analysis to predict the development of colorectal liver metastases-A multicentre study.

European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology

Changes in nationwide use of preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer after revision of the national colorectal cancer guideline.

Abdominal radiology (New York)

Measuring the apparent diffusion coefficient in primary rectal tumors: is there a benefit in performing histogram analyses?

European journal of radiology

Dual-energy CT can detect malignant lymph nodes in rectal cancer.

Abdominal radiology (New York)

Correlation between quantitative and semiquantitative parameters in DCE-MRI with a blood pool agent in rectal cancer: can semiquantitative parameters be used as a surrogate for quantitative parameters?

European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology

The influence of sarcopenia on survival and surgical complications in ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary debulking surgery.

Diseases of the colon and rectum

MRI for Local Staging of Colon Cancer: Can MRI Become the Optimal Staging Modality for Patients With Colon Cancer?

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

DWI for Assessment of Rectal Cancer Nodes After Chemoradiotherapy: Is the Absence of Nodes at DWI Proof of a Negative Nodal Status?

Annual review of medicine

Management of Rectal Cancer Without Radical Resection.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Long-term Outcome of an Organ Preservation Program After Neoadjuvant Treatment for Rectal Cancer.

European journal of radiology

Routine use of standard breast MRI compared to axillary ultrasound for differentiating between no, limited and advanced axillary nodal disease in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Diagnostic Accuracy of CT for Local Staging of Colon Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle

Loss of skeletal muscle during neoadjuvant chemotherapy is related to decreased survival in ovarian cancer patients.

Nuclear medicine communications

Accuracy of PET/MRI coregistration of cervical lesions.


Imaging in Colorectal Cancer: Progress and Challenges for the Clinicians.

Diseases of the colon and rectum

Dual-Energy CT of Rectal Cancer Specimens: A CT-based Method for Mesorectal Lymph Node Characterization.

Abdominal radiology (New York)

Good and complete responding locally advanced rectal tumors after chemoradiotherapy: where are the residual positive nodes located on restaging MRI?

Seminars in radiation oncology

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Other Imaging Modalities in Diagnostic and Tumor Response Evaluation.

European radiology

MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI to diagnose a local tumour regrowth during long-term follow-up of rectal cancer patients treated with organ preservation after chemoradiotherapy.

International journal of colorectal disease

Nodal staging in rectal cancer: why is restaging after chemoradiation more accurate than primary nodal staging?

United European gastroenterology journal

CT texture analysis in colorectal liver metastases: A better way than size and volume measurements to assess response to chemotherapy?

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Automated and Semiautomated Segmentation of Rectal Tumor Volumes on Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Can It Replace Manual Volumetry?

Gynecologic oncology

Prediction of incomplete primary debulking surgery in patients with advanced ovarian cancer: An external validation study of three models using computed tomography.

Radiation oncology (London, England)

Consecutive magnetic resonance imaging during brachytherapy for cervical carcinoma: predictive value of volume measurements with respect to persistent disease and prognosis.


Diagnostic Performance of Dedicated Axillary T2- and Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging for Nodal Staging in Breast Cancer.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Functional MRI for radiotherapy dose painting.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Three-dimensional analysis of recurrence patterns in rectal cancer: the cranial border in hypofractionated preoperative radiotherapy can be lowered.


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