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Seminar by Sabine Linn

A tale of the cancer’s Achilles’ heel – towards optimal treatment for each (breast) cancer patient

Friday 9 September 2022 11:00 - 12:00 Piet Borst Auditorium Seminar

Sabine Linn
Division of Molecular Pathology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Sabine Linn is a professor of translational oncology focusing on breast cancer at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Linn achieved her MD from Leiden University, in Leiden, The Netherlands, and her internal medicine board certification from the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. She earned her PhD (1998) on the subject of multidrug resistance in solid tumors from the Free University of Amsterdam under supervision of prof. Dr. H.M. Pinedo. Then, she was awarded a Dutch Cancer Society Fellowship, which allowed her to join the lab of Ton Berns (the Netherlands Cancer Institute), and subsequently those of Matt van de Rijn and Pat Brown (Stanford University) for a postdoctoral training. Currently, she is the Medical Director of the Cell Therapy Program, Medical Oncologist within the Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary Team, and Group Leader at the Division of Molecular Pathology at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Linn and her team are committed to define the optimal treatment for each breast cancer patient focusing on the development of simple biomarker tests to minimize harm to the planet and people.

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