NKI Placeholder Profiel

Maas Jan Heineman

Medical Director, a.i.

+31 20512 6930 m.heineman@nki.nl

Professor Maas Jan Heineman, MD, PhD, (1952) became interim Member of the Board of directors of the Netherlands Cancer Institute on the first of January 2021. He has a background in Reproductive Medicine, was affiliated with the University of Groningen (1996 - 2006), and was professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Amsterdam (2006 – 2018). He was vice-chair of the Board of Directors of the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) Amsterdam (2012 – 2018). His academic career had a strong focus on patient care and on the education of medical students and residents in training. As a member of the Board of Directors of the AMC he was, among other things, responsible for patient care, quality and safety, education (medical school) and training (residents programs), human resources (HR) as well as stakeholder management (unions and works council). At present Maas Jan divides his time between ‘serving health care’ and ‘regreening the planet’ (www.comon.earth).

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