Daniel De Groot

Daniel de Groot

PhD student

+31 20 512 2063 d.d.groot@nki.nl Heinz Jacobs

As an undergraduate, I worked with Bauke Ylstra at the CCA to ascertain clonality of tumours using CNV analysis. For my Oncology Master's programme at the VU, I performed my first internship at the Borst group (NKI) wherein I worked on lymphoid precursors. I pursued my Master's thesis project with the Birsoy group at the Rockefeller, New York. Here, I elucidated the relation between metabolism and oxidative stress in cancer.

In October 2017, I joined the group of Heinz Jacobs for my PhD working on the pro- and anti-mutagenic activities of TLS polymerases and their contribution to the molecular network controlling DNA damage response.

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